Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Opposite Conclusion

I read this quote today, regarding President Obama's decision to deploy MORE troops to Afghanistan (he did promise to get us out of there when he was elected):

"On the other hand, a president facing re-election who pulls the plug on a failing war is going to find himself charged with being an ineffective commander-in-chief."

That is so completely wrong.  ANY president who pulls us out of Afghanistan and Iraq RIGHT NOW is going to be celebrated because those wars are wasting our time, money, reputation, and most of all the invaluable lives of our soldiers.

Re-election should have nothing to do with such an important decision. Any president who puts his career before our nation should be impeached. Even the lowest-ranking soldier in our military puts the nation above his own welfare - we must expect the same selfless service from the commander-in-chief.

Selfless decisions are more likely to lead to better results anyway, and don't better results get politicians re-elected? I don't know. I think they should, but that requires a majority of us to understand what better is.

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