The Benicia bridge has a toll booth for the northbound traffic. It used to be $4 and a few months ago it was increased to $5.
There's a sign that identifies the last exit before the tollbooth but it doesn't say how much the toll is. When a driver gets to the tollbooth accepted payments are "fastrak" or cash only - and there's no legal way to turn around.
On another bridge on the way to San Francisco there's another tollbooth that costs $4. That one has a sign identifying the last exit. And it has a sign announcing the toll AFTER the last exit, on the LEFT shoulder that was already marked "fastrak" - in other words, it's useless.
Since there is no legal way to turn around once a driver arrives at the tollbooth, there must be a prominent sign BEFORE the last exit announcing what the toll is and identifying the last exit.
It's simple and inexpensive and it's the right thing to do.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
TSA's Obscene Security Procedures (Part 2)
"It's important to remember that TSA screens nearly 2 million passengers daily and that very few passengers are required to receive a pat-down," according to a post on the TSA Blog.
Right - so it's also important to remember that the United States has nearly 300 million people living in it and very few of them are victims of sex crimes outside airports. Does that make it ok? NO.
What are we going to do when the next terrorist puts some explosives in his rectum? Mandatory cavity searches? And how much explosives does it take to do some damage? And can a terrorist use something other than explosives to do something spectacular with an airplane that we won't like? Prosthetic limbs? Drugs? There will always be a weakness. It's impossible to have perfect security. Can we prevent a pilot from becoming radicalized? Can we prevent an unknown radical from becoming a pilot? No.
But there are a lot of common-sense security measures we CAN take that don't require violating the personal privacy of all airline passengers. And many counter-measures can be implemented outside airports to improve the overall security of the country.
Why the big focus on airplanes? Did we get scared on 11 Sep 2001? Nearly 3,000 people died from that attack. But tens of thousands of people die from car accidents every year, and we're not doing body cavity searches for all the drivers on the road to make sure they're paying attention and not under the influence of any drugs. And there are terrorists on the roads, too, because that's how they get to the airport security station! Are we going to strip-search and grope drivers on the roads? No.
I'm very sorry for the victims of that attack and for their families. I still remember the surrealism and then the anger I felt when I saw the news that morning. If someone in my family had been in that building, I still wouldn't be advocating for what the TSA is doing now. I'd be advocating for real security measures and real foreign policy changes that can actually improve our national well-being.
When the terrorists used weapons to take over the plane, the TSA tightened the screening for weapons going as far as confiscating nail clippers from people. Then a terrorist tried to use explosives stuffed in his underwear, and now the TSA is buying expensive imaging machines and groping people to make sure there's nothing in their underwear. What will the TSA do when the next terrorist manages to sneak something dangerous on board the airplane by stowing it in his rectum? Their procedure is sure to cause more delays in security, right? How many people wait in that security line in major airports? A lot, right? So if we make it impossible to sneak anything dangerous onto the airplane, the next step will be for a terrorist to wear a full-fledged modern suicide vest and blow up everyone at the security line! And all the nude scanning and groping will have been for nothing.
I'm not at all willing to be groped for "security reasons" when I travel. Maybe if the government allowed a segregation so people can choose whether they want to fly with a groping airline or a non-groping airline, and people had a choice, then I would be willing to accept that other people choose to be groped in exchange for their security while I and other like-minded Americans fly on the grope-free airline. But since the choice is to fly and be groped or not fly at all, I'm going to exercise what liberty I have left and choose not to fly until the airports become civilized again.
Right - so it's also important to remember that the United States has nearly 300 million people living in it and very few of them are victims of sex crimes outside airports. Does that make it ok? NO.
What are we going to do when the next terrorist puts some explosives in his rectum? Mandatory cavity searches? And how much explosives does it take to do some damage? And can a terrorist use something other than explosives to do something spectacular with an airplane that we won't like? Prosthetic limbs? Drugs? There will always be a weakness. It's impossible to have perfect security. Can we prevent a pilot from becoming radicalized? Can we prevent an unknown radical from becoming a pilot? No.
But there are a lot of common-sense security measures we CAN take that don't require violating the personal privacy of all airline passengers. And many counter-measures can be implemented outside airports to improve the overall security of the country.
Why the big focus on airplanes? Did we get scared on 11 Sep 2001? Nearly 3,000 people died from that attack. But tens of thousands of people die from car accidents every year, and we're not doing body cavity searches for all the drivers on the road to make sure they're paying attention and not under the influence of any drugs. And there are terrorists on the roads, too, because that's how they get to the airport security station! Are we going to strip-search and grope drivers on the roads? No.
I'm very sorry for the victims of that attack and for their families. I still remember the surrealism and then the anger I felt when I saw the news that morning. If someone in my family had been in that building, I still wouldn't be advocating for what the TSA is doing now. I'd be advocating for real security measures and real foreign policy changes that can actually improve our national well-being.
When the terrorists used weapons to take over the plane, the TSA tightened the screening for weapons going as far as confiscating nail clippers from people. Then a terrorist tried to use explosives stuffed in his underwear, and now the TSA is buying expensive imaging machines and groping people to make sure there's nothing in their underwear. What will the TSA do when the next terrorist manages to sneak something dangerous on board the airplane by stowing it in his rectum? Their procedure is sure to cause more delays in security, right? How many people wait in that security line in major airports? A lot, right? So if we make it impossible to sneak anything dangerous onto the airplane, the next step will be for a terrorist to wear a full-fledged modern suicide vest and blow up everyone at the security line! And all the nude scanning and groping will have been for nothing.
I'm not at all willing to be groped for "security reasons" when I travel. Maybe if the government allowed a segregation so people can choose whether they want to fly with a groping airline or a non-groping airline, and people had a choice, then I would be willing to accept that other people choose to be groped in exchange for their security while I and other like-minded Americans fly on the grope-free airline. But since the choice is to fly and be groped or not fly at all, I'm going to exercise what liberty I have left and choose not to fly until the airports become civilized again.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
TSA's Obscene Security Procedures
It's been in the news the past few days that the TSA is adding a body scanner that basically shows the person without clothes. Airline passengers who don't want to be scanned in that way have to be groped. Kids aren't exempt from the scanning or the groping.
The level of paranoia was already ridiculous a few years ago - now it's beyond belief.
Doesn't the Department of Homeland Security know that there are hundreds of thousands of other targets that terrorists could attack? Doesn't the DHS know that in other countries terrorists also blow up busses, night clubs, hotels, and government offices? Doesn't the DHS know that most Americans aren't out to get us? Doesn't the DHS know that states like California actually made it ILLEGAL for a landlord to demand verification of citizenship or legal alien status from tenants?
Real security experts agree that what the DHS is doing isn't really security, it's a facade of security. Someone coined the term "security theater" and I think that aptly describes what is going on. I don't feel any safer on an airplane now than I did the day after 9/11 or the day before 9/11. So from now on I'm going to refer to the DHS as the DHS(Theater) or DHS(T).
The terrorists are winning because, in a sort of blind collaboration with our own idiot politicians, they caused us to STAY in Afghanistan and to STAY in Iraq long past achieving our objectives in those places. Because of the terrorists we created a Department of Homeland Security, even though we already have a Department of Defense, and we are allowing this new DHS(T) to actually terrorize Americans. A DHS(T) spokesperson is always saying "the threat is real" and so on. And we keep stripping off more clothes and getting groped in more places at airports.
I've been planning a family vacation to Hawaii in 2012 with my wife. When I heard about these new rules I talked to her and we agreed that instead of flying to Hawaii, we will take a cruise ship. We will drive 6 to 8 hours from our home to a port and then take a ship to Hawaii so we can avoid being violated at the airport. We will pay more for that vacation to avoid being violated at the airport.
And if we want to take another vacation to South America, or Europe, then we'll take a train to Canada or Mexico and then fly from there.
I think that a good defense should start with kicking out people we know aren't allowed to be here. Then it should continue with barring any rich Arabs from sending their kids here to college, and not sending any more aid to countries we know harbor our enemies. Everyone should be aware of their surroundings and everyone should watch for suspicious individuals. Citizens should be allowed to carry weapons onto the airplanes with a special "airborne weapon license" that can be issued after some mandatory safety training and a fee. The more we know, and the more capable we are, the safer we are. When we abrogate our basic personal responsibility for our own safety, when we suspect everyone equally, when we allow the government to violate us so, we become sheep. When enough of us have become sheep it will be hard to convince the masses that we should go back to being people again.
We should REQUIRE landlords - anyone who leases or subleases a home - in every state to check the citizenship or legal immigrant status of their tenants. We should REQUIRE home sellers to check the citizenship or legal immigrant status of their buyers. And really that responsibility will fall on the licensed real estate agent, the bank loan officer, and the county clerk who records the transfer. Each one must check in case the others were taken out of the loop for some reason. I know that even if we required that there would be a number of landlords or sellers/agents/bankers who don't check. But that will still make it easier for the INS to find the illegal residents.
We should REQUIRE law enforcement to immediately detain and deport any person who is proven to be here illegally. We can offer a work program where anyone who wants to immigrate to the country can serve the country in some way - building roads and bridges, landscaping, or any other feasible job - while learning English and the American culture. After a certain amount of work, and after passing an English reading and conversation test, and after passing a written citizenship test, the immigrant would then be granted citizenship and could stay here freely.
We should REQUIRE all boys and girls of at least 18 years of age who have either finished high school or dropped out to serve the country in some way. Mix everyone up and give them different jobs so they meet other Americans from the rest of the country and they can work together and do something good as equals without segregation of any kind.
We should REQUIRE all high school students to be educated about government services available to them and about the importance of informed voting and where they can address their grievances and who they can turn to when they have problems.
We should REQUIRE transparency in all levels of government to eliminate corruption and rebuild trust with all Americans.
These steps would drastically reduce the chance that any American would become a terrorist. And that leaves only foreign terrorists as the ones to photograph nude and grope. And we can do away with the DHS(T), completely disband that organization, and let the Department of Defense perform its work of defending the constitution.
The level of paranoia was already ridiculous a few years ago - now it's beyond belief.
Doesn't the Department of Homeland Security know that there are hundreds of thousands of other targets that terrorists could attack? Doesn't the DHS know that in other countries terrorists also blow up busses, night clubs, hotels, and government offices? Doesn't the DHS know that most Americans aren't out to get us? Doesn't the DHS know that states like California actually made it ILLEGAL for a landlord to demand verification of citizenship or legal alien status from tenants?
Real security experts agree that what the DHS is doing isn't really security, it's a facade of security. Someone coined the term "security theater" and I think that aptly describes what is going on. I don't feel any safer on an airplane now than I did the day after 9/11 or the day before 9/11. So from now on I'm going to refer to the DHS as the DHS(Theater) or DHS(T).
Even if terrorists are plotting to hijack another airplane, I prefer to have armed guards on each flight than to be photographed nude or groped, since, of course, I'm not a terrorist.
And by the way, those body scans ARE photographs. The image isn't "saved" or "printed" but it's still a photograph by definition. And since the person being photographed appears without clothes, they are nude photographs.
The terrorists are winning because, in a sort of blind collaboration with our own idiot politicians, they caused us to STAY in Afghanistan and to STAY in Iraq long past achieving our objectives in those places. Because of the terrorists we created a Department of Homeland Security, even though we already have a Department of Defense, and we are allowing this new DHS(T) to actually terrorize Americans. A DHS(T) spokesperson is always saying "the threat is real" and so on. And we keep stripping off more clothes and getting groped in more places at airports.
I've been planning a family vacation to Hawaii in 2012 with my wife. When I heard about these new rules I talked to her and we agreed that instead of flying to Hawaii, we will take a cruise ship. We will drive 6 to 8 hours from our home to a port and then take a ship to Hawaii so we can avoid being violated at the airport. We will pay more for that vacation to avoid being violated at the airport.
And if we want to take another vacation to South America, or Europe, then we'll take a train to Canada or Mexico and then fly from there.
I think that a good defense should start with kicking out people we know aren't allowed to be here. Then it should continue with barring any rich Arabs from sending their kids here to college, and not sending any more aid to countries we know harbor our enemies. Everyone should be aware of their surroundings and everyone should watch for suspicious individuals. Citizens should be allowed to carry weapons onto the airplanes with a special "airborne weapon license" that can be issued after some mandatory safety training and a fee. The more we know, and the more capable we are, the safer we are. When we abrogate our basic personal responsibility for our own safety, when we suspect everyone equally, when we allow the government to violate us so, we become sheep. When enough of us have become sheep it will be hard to convince the masses that we should go back to being people again.
We should REQUIRE landlords - anyone who leases or subleases a home - in every state to check the citizenship or legal immigrant status of their tenants. We should REQUIRE home sellers to check the citizenship or legal immigrant status of their buyers. And really that responsibility will fall on the licensed real estate agent, the bank loan officer, and the county clerk who records the transfer. Each one must check in case the others were taken out of the loop for some reason. I know that even if we required that there would be a number of landlords or sellers/agents/bankers who don't check. But that will still make it easier for the INS to find the illegal residents.
We should REQUIRE law enforcement to immediately detain and deport any person who is proven to be here illegally. We can offer a work program where anyone who wants to immigrate to the country can serve the country in some way - building roads and bridges, landscaping, or any other feasible job - while learning English and the American culture. After a certain amount of work, and after passing an English reading and conversation test, and after passing a written citizenship test, the immigrant would then be granted citizenship and could stay here freely.
We should REQUIRE all boys and girls of at least 18 years of age who have either finished high school or dropped out to serve the country in some way. Mix everyone up and give them different jobs so they meet other Americans from the rest of the country and they can work together and do something good as equals without segregation of any kind.
We should REQUIRE all high school students to be educated about government services available to them and about the importance of informed voting and where they can address their grievances and who they can turn to when they have problems.
We should REQUIRE transparency in all levels of government to eliminate corruption and rebuild trust with all Americans.
These steps would drastically reduce the chance that any American would become a terrorist. And that leaves only foreign terrorists as the ones to photograph nude and grope. And we can do away with the DHS(T), completely disband that organization, and let the Department of Defense perform its work of defending the constitution.
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