I have a feeling I'll need to find a new job soon so I am updating my resume and looking for some jobs online. I ran into a few sites that really sucked:
Career Finder (http://career-finder.org) - a clean bait & switch, they promise job listings but first you have to request information from a bunch of schools. It's annoying that they claim that you're signing up to receive information from schools because it shows employers that you're education minded and, apparently, employers like that sort of thing... because probably none of the employers listed there (if they have any) care or are even aware that you've requested information from a bunch of schools. It's meaningless. Degrees and certificates count; spam in your mailbox doesn't.
Job.com (http://job.com) - they do have jobs but the signup procedure is alternating pages of job-related data and "offers". Some of the data entry is repetitive. At least they let you skip each offer as it is presented. Sometimes they show pop-up ads.
Career Arrow (http://careerarrow.us) - same scam as You Found Jobs. Both of them go to a page at http://ian.smileymedia.com with the phone charge scam and who knows what else after that (I didn't dare click on anything once I saw that page, I just closed the browser).